Welcome, & thanks for visiting this website.

The intended audience of this website is Christian believers.

Most Christians, practice their religious customs of the following:

  1. Attend Church service regularly – This helps them to get filled with God’s presence.
  2. Read Bible – To gain knowledge of God’s commandments, get inspiration from stories of people who lived, learn the way of life, get hope through God’s promises
  3. Worship through songs – to get connected with God spiritually
  4. Fellowship with Believers – to get motivated and aligned with Christian values
  5. Serve one another and meet others’ needs – to please God

The above customs are essential however Prayer is the most important of all this. On this website, different prayer topics are given for prayer, and sample prayers are given for different needs of people. By going through details on prayers given on this website the reader can get motivated to pray.

By praying for our needs and others, we will become more mature and move to the next level in our spiritual journey. Everyone who is born in this world has needs & challenges. To meet our needs most of us look for some practical ways. Some of us also believe that if we pray sincerely God can meet our needs & help to overcome our challenges. 

This website is created to motivate believers to pray for different needs around us. We need to set some time every day for prayer and make it a habit. God answers our sincere prayers.

This website is also created to spread God’s love by caring for each other through prayer. We have limited capacity to address many of the problems around us in practical ways but by praying for other needs God can intervene and change the circumstances. 

Praying for others will make us more mature and fill us with love & joy. Most of the time we may be able to help each other practically. For example, if we know a person is financially struggling, we can support him/her financially within our capacity. But sometimes for a few needs, we may not be able to support within our capacity, and in that case, we can invest our time and pray for the need. For example, when we read news about how people are affected by war in some parts of the world, we may not be able to go and help them to overcome this issue directly however we can invest some time and pray to God for His mercy to intervene. Through our constant prayers, God can intervene and change the situation in their life. 

By going through each of these prayers we believe the readers will get an idea of prayer and be able to pray for their individual needs and the need of the world to make the world a better place to live.

Pray & Love!

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